Big Noses Can't Really Learn Chinese

Do you ever get the feeling that Chinese people think you can’t really learn to speak their language? There is a Chinese restaurant I have frequented in San Francisco for almost two years now. Each time I go in to get take out, I chat with the staff and laoban (boss) while waiting. They are […]

Directional Commands: The Answers!

And now for the answers: “Come in”  进来   jìn lái “Go out” 出去  chū qù “Come up” 上来  shàng lái “Come down” 下来  xià lái “Go up” 上去  shàng qù “Go down” 下去  xià qù “Pick up” 拿起来   náqǐlái “Put down” 放下去  fàng xià qù “Put on” (clothes) 穿上  chuān shàng “Take off” (clothes) 脱下  […]